Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC)

Chipping, Peeling, Cleanliness, Protection
Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) in Charleston, WV, is a nonprofit, 908-bed referral and academic center employing more than 6,000 people. It comprises four hospitals, CAMC General, CAMC Memorial, CAMC Teays Valley, and CAMC Women and Children’s Hospital. It is home to one of the largest heart programs in West Virginia, the highest-level trauma care, and the only freestanding children’s hospital in the state. The laundry facility at CAMC handles all linens, gowns and related medical clothing and bedding for each of the four hospitals, and for multiple clinics in the Charleston area.
The coating on the CAMC laundry floor was chipping and peeling, resulting in problems with floor cleaning and protection, as well as general aesthetic undesirability. The maintenance work had to be completed without incurring any downtime, and surface preparation had to be dustless in accordance with health care sanitation requirements.
Heavy Restoration & DiamaPro UV-HS Plus
Niagara Machine was hired by the contractor to provide the surface preparation and dust collection equipment, as well as its ultraviolet cured coating, DiamaPro UV-HS. In addition, Niagara Machine provided the contractor with hands-on training in equipment operation, and on-site consultation services throughout the project.
DiamaPro UVHS is currently the only high solids ultraviolet coating for concrete floors. The product was specifically developed to provide a solution for operations unable to sustain the downtime entailed in the curing of conventional epoxies and urethanes. DiamaPro UV-HS cures instantaneously when exposed to ultraviolet light generated by a portable machine. The floor can accommodate foot and forklift traffic immediately after curing, a benefit the enables facilities managers to refinish entire floors or portions of floors as required, minimizing significant downtime or service interruption.
The equipment used included the Lavina 30GS, Ermator S36, Metabo 7” hand grinder, HID Bulldog, and Mako curing equipment. The grinder was equipped with 50-grit single button diamond tooling, and 100-grit transitional diamond tooling.