Substantial Savings and Protection for Schools

School Districts across the country are realizing substantial savings in the time, labor and materials entailed in VCT floor maintenance with DiamaPro UV-HS Plus® coating. At the same time, they are helping to ensure a cleaner and safer environment for students and teachers thanks to the antimicrobial technology infused in the innovative DiamaPro coating system.
Recently, the Millcreek-West Unity School District of West Unity, Ohio, hired contractor D&D Coatings, of Columbus, Ohio, to strip and refinish the VCT floors in its 56,000 sq.ft. elementary building along with the junior and senior high schools.
DiamaPro UV-HS Plus is a urethane-based, UV-cured floor coating that provides abrasion and chemical resistance for VCT floors. It dramatically reduces scuffing, heel marks, scratching, and the wear and tear resulting from intensive foot traffic. In addition, it is highly resistant to staining and deterioration from foods, beverages, and organic chemicals, and is an ideal coating for cafeterias, gyms, locker rooms and restrooms. Furthermore, DiamaPro UV-HS Plus requires no stripping, waxing or intensive maintenance other than routine daily cleaning. With no VOC’s, it is inherently safe to apply, and cures instantaneously upon exposure to a portable ultraviolet light. There is no cure time after application nor exposure to harmful fumes or vapors.
In this heightened climate of microbial awareness and protection, one of the most important benefits of DiamaPro UV-HS Plus is that it contains Microban® technology to help prevent bacterial growth. The coating begins resisting bacteria as soon as it comes into contact with the floor by attacking the reproductive organisms of microbes. At this point the microbe will no longer be able to reproduce. This feature makes DiamaPro UV-HS Plus an ideal choice for classrooms, hallways, cafeterias, locker rooms and restrooms where there is abundant exposure to water, food and beverage spills, chemicals, and where optimal cleanliness and hygiene are required.
As the project progresses the Millcreek-West Unity School District is realizing substantial savings over the intensive periodic and restorative cleaning, scrubbing, refinishing, and detailing necessitated by conventional wax coatings. “When this project is complete the school district will be saving money by not having to buy wax and stripper, or spending the time and labor to strip and refinish floors—no need for dumping excess water on the floors for wax stripping. This extends the life cycle of the VCT floor,” said Stone. “Now all they have to do is just clean the floors.”